PG Diploma Courses


PG Diploma Courses:(Offered for Academic year 2021-22 onwards under CVM University)

1. P.G. Diploma in Industrial Automation. (Eligibility : Any Science/Engineering Graduate/Post Graduate students or any other equivalent graduation/post-graduation in Science/Engineering , Duration: 1 Year)

About the Program:

The one year Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Automation course provides an overall exposure to the technology of Industrial Automation and Control as widely seen in factories of all types both for discrete and continuous manufacturing. The course discusses a wide range of related topics from the advantage and architecture of automation systems, process instrumentation ,industrial parameters, measurement systems including sensors and signal conditioning, discrete and continuous variable control systems, PLC, SCADA, industrial communication, HMI, etc. The objective of course is to train the science/engineering graduates/postgraduates to apply their learning in the field of industrial/plant automation. Intensive practical as well project works will be taught to the students in both the semesters of the course.

  • Click here to refer the details for PG Diploma in Industrial Automation.

  • 2. P.G. Diploma in Bioinformatics. (Eligibility : Candidates with B.Sc./M.Sc. in: Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/Computer Science/Botany/BCA/ Zoology/Genetics/Biochemistry/Environmental Sciences/Microbiology/Agriculture/Veterinary Science/Pharmacy., Duration: 1 Year)

    About the Program:

    The current crisis has reiterated the fact that healthcare and life sciences is the biggest opportunity for a developing country like India. Bioinformatics  is  a  newly  emerging  branch  in  the  field  of  life  science and health care. Bioinformatics  is  information  technology  applied  to  the  management  and  analysis  of biological  data  with  the  aid  of  computers.    It  is  a  field  in  which  biological  information  is collected,  compared, studied  and  analysed  to  find  the  interrelation  between  them  for  solving  structural, functional  and  evolutionary  problems  using  computational  technologies. Keeping this view  in  mind  Post  Graduate Diploma  Course  in  Bioinformatics is planned.  After  completing  this  one  year  diploma  course students  can  be  employed in  any  national/multinational  drug  designing pharmaceutical  company, Biotechnology, Genomics, Proteomics and IT companies.  This course is expected to bring direct benefit to students in strengthening their knowledge to do research in the area of life sciences. This course will definitely help:

    i) To develop an skilled manpower to work in bioinformatics industry, academia and research institution.

    ii) In protein structure prediction and gene prediction methods.

    iii) In drug designing and vaccine development.

    iv) To open new opportunities in health science like Clinical bioinformatics, medical informatics etc.

  • Click here to refer the details for PG Diploma in Bioinformatics.

  • 3. P.G. Diploma in Analytical Chemistry. (Eligibility : B.Sc. (Chemistry/ Industrial Chemistry/Biological Science / Physical Science,Duration: 1 Year)

    About the Program:

    The importance of Analytical chemistry is the determination of the chemical composition of matter. However, the identification of a substance, the elucidation of its structure and quantitative analysis of its composition are the aspects covered by modern analytical chemistry. It is an interdisciplinary branch of science wherein a large number of research workers have contributed to its development.   The importance of analytical chemistry is of many applications they are as follows. No other branch of science finds so many extensive applications as analytical chemistry purely for two reasons: Firstly, the importance of Analytical chemistry we  find numerous applications in various disciplines of chemistry such as inorganic, organic, physical and biochemistry and secondly it finds wide applications in other fields of related sciences such as environmental science, agricultural science, biomedical and clinical chemistry, solid state research and electronics, oceanography, and space research. The objective of this P.G. Diploma in Analytical Chemistry is:

    i) To develop an understanding of the range and uses of analytical methods in chemistry.

    ii) To develop an understanding of the broad role of the chemist in measurement and problem solving for analytical tasks.

    iii) To provide an understanding of chemical methods employed for elemental and compound analysis.

    iv) To prepare young chemist compatible to serve at Industry with QC/ QA/ R&D departments.

  • Click here to refer the details for PG Diploma in Analytical Chemistry.

  • 3. P.G. Diploma Medical Medical Laboratory Technology (Duration: 1 Year)

    About the Program:

    The course is designed in a manner so that the students gather full-fledged knowledge of various aspects related to clinical technology and its application in the field. The course is structured in such a way that it gives ample opportunities to students to gain practical knowledge along with clarity of subject concepts. PGDMLT jobs after graduation include medical officer, research associate, lab technician, lab assistant etc.